Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Go Away, Gustavo!

I officially hate hurricanes. Seriously, they are stupid. We spent 3 or 4 days watching the news and waiting for it to hit...we spent hundreds of dollars on emergency supplies (we're going to be poor for the next 10 years as a result)...family members evacuated inland....and for what? All we got were some sprinkles. I guess we're lucky...it could have been worse. But Gustavo decided to show it's ugly face the same weekend we planned to move. We rented a smaller Uhaul trailer thinking we could make a few trips to get all our stuff here, but due to mandatory evacuations, we only got about half our stuff here. It's been frustrating... Last night, Court decided to make a hole-in-one for dinner...he got the bread and eggs into the pan and then realized that all our spatulas and cooking utensils were still in a box down in Port Neches. So, he used a butter knife and fork and just scrambled his eggs and bread together. It was funny. I took a shower and realized our towels were still in a box in Port Neches, so we went to Target and spent a bunch of money on new towels. Meredith's room is all ready, except her bed is still in Port Neches. Ugh! Moving is bad enough without a lame hurricane complicating everything! But anyway...sorry for the rant. We'll head back down and get the rest of our stuff on Saturday, so we can finally finish the move. I have to give thanks to my wonderful mother-in-law and sister-in-law Caryn, who have made things bearable and have helped get what we could do, done at the new house. I'll post pictures once our internet is hooked up. Right now I'm on the 'net via my cell phone, which means my connection is slightly faster than dial-up, so I'm not even going to try to upload any pictures. But we are alive and well...or at least surviving until we can get the move finished. Sorry for the venting post...just letting off steam. I mean, I'm sure the people in Lousiana probably wish they only got some sprinkles. So I know I'm just feeling sorry for myself. And at least now everyone knows why they haven't heard from us in a while. Life has been crazy. I'm exhausted!


Kimberly said...

Janelle remember our lil inside joke about yours and my blog??? :) I'm cracking up as I type...You're the hero of the day.

Julie said...

Oh - holy cow. . . this sucks - vent away!!!