Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tai Chi

Meredith is a huge fan of the Nick Jr. show Ni Hao, Kai-lan. Kai-lan is basically the chinese Dora. One day a while back Meredith was having a tantrum and said, "I'm so MAD!" I asked her what Rin-too (character on Kai-lan) does when he's mad and she immediately started doing this little Tai Chi routine. It was hilarious and it kind of became the thing. Whenever she gets mad, we tell her she needs to calm down and she'll do her Tai Chi. Tonight she finally let me video her doing it...

Christmas 2009 and Other Randomness

I know I haven't blogged in quite a while. Just haven't been in the mood, I guess. So, here is a collection of random photos of Meredith taken over the past few months...

Halloween 2009. She was so excited about the whole Trick-or-Treating thing.

It got a little quiet in her room, so I went to check on her and this is how I found her. I asked her what she was doing and she said, "Trying on my frog slippers!" The "frog slippers" is actually a foot massager that I got as a gag gift a couple years ago.

Got home from Church one Sunday and went and changed my clothes. I guess I should have changed Meredith first because by the time I changed and then came to get her out of her Sunday clothes, she had put on her butterfly wings, gotten into her bed and gone to sleep.

Meredith sleeps in some of the funniest positions!

Mad Meredith

Meredith adores Court's dad. We call him "Geezer." Also in this picture is her cousin Parker, whom Meredith refers to as "Parker Little Buddy." Don't know where she got that from, but I think it's cute when she calls him that. This picture is at the Fruge Family Christmas party.

Christmas Eve 2009. Opening her Christmas Jammies from Grandma Linda.

Christmas Morning 2009