Friday, May 16, 2008

Hot Tubs, Stories and a Fake Cry!

Here's a few photos of Meredith at her Aunt Michele's house....

Meredith absolutely loved the Hot Tub. Of course, the chemicals made my skin hurt. Going from Texas humidity to the dryness of Vegas has made my skin dry up. Not fun. I edited myself out of these pictures because, well, I looked HIDEOUS! From now on I will wear make-up and do my hair nice...I didn't realize how much I let myself go. I think a major diet is on the way too...once I get back from this trip. But Meredith sure looks cute, eh?

Michele's boys just love Meredith, and she loves them. I walked in to the room and found Brady reading Meredith a story. She was totally enthralled. It was way cute!

This video speaks for itself...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute babies. Maybe you should buy better hot tubs chemicals. If you choose for the best hot tub chemical, it has to be safe to your skin. So it's better to buy hot tub chemicals from authorized stores because they know better on what chemicals to use for our hot tub. Speaking of safe hot tub chemicals, I buy them from a trusted store which you will also like. You can visit this link to know more about their products: hot tub chemicals uk