Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My Funny Meredith

Meredith has been making me laugh all morning. She does the funniest things sometimes! This morning I've been working on laundry, so she's been entertaining herself. I about died laughing when I came out of the bedroom with a load of laundry and found her sitting on the couch reading...with her bunny ears on, but pushed to the back of her head. Maybe I'm just punchy today, but that made me laugh, so then I grabbed my camera and started videoing her, and eventually got her dancing!

Here she is reading with the bunny ears on.

And here she is dancing!


Kimberly said...

awh she is precious cant wait to see her this weekend!

Jodi said...

LOL LOL shake it baby shake it

Amy said...

Seriously, that is the cutest stinkin' thing I've ever seen. She can really move it. :-)